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Guidance & Safety Solutions for California Pedestrians

At City Safe LED, we dedicate ourselves and our solutions to the safety of California pedestrians. Motorists need modern guidance and assistance to rely on when driving throughout the city. Reflectors and paint get worn out or run over and are not as reliable. Below are some of the applications of our modern LED safety lights.

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pedestrian crossing
Crosswalk Safety Lighting

Smart LED safety lights will turn on when they recognize movement in the crosswalk to prevent accidents with those walking, using a wheelchair, or riding a bike. These pedestrians do not always wear the safety gear they should, so we decided everyone could use the extra help to prevent accidents and suffering.

school zone safety lights
School Zone Lighting

In-pavement light systems help drivers become more aware when driving through the city during the day as students may be coming in or leaving school. These kids may not be aware of these dangers, especially when traveling in larger groups. We help give you the warning to slow down before heading into these crowded zones.

signalized pedestrian crossing lights
Signalized Pedestrian Crossings

We aim to help those pedestrians walking through the city, staring at their phone, or having conversations, all while not paying attention to potential motorists. You can also pair these safety lights with other systems for better data collection and monitoring.

Vision Zero

Vision Zero is about looking forward and creating strategies to take safety to new levels. City Safe LED uses technology, engineering design, and LED products to build toward a worldwide movement that prioritizes safe mobility for all.

What is Vision Zero? – Vision Zero Network

Inductive Powered on Road LED Lighting