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Work With City Safe LED for Safety and More

Our solutions work to benefit everybody, from regular walkers on pathways to drivers approaching dangerous curves. If you have any questions or are ready to upgrade your current lighting system, please give us a call. Our experts would be happy to explain the benefits and get you the answers you need.

Variety of Applications

Emergency Exits

Highlight emergency exit doors and actively demonstrate the evacuation path.

Subway & Train Stations

Enhances loading zone awareness
Approaching train awareness
Easy transfer navigation to connecting trains
Illuminate waiting zone
Illuminate safest route for emergencies

Parking Lots

Maximize occupancy
Directional lighting
Illuminate parking vacancy/occupied spots

Swimming Pools

Change while system is on or off
Unlimited number of lights on one circuit
Eight (8) different color displays

Driveways & Landscaping

Make your driveways visible at night and create a unique landscaping lighting masterpiece.

Hotel & Commercial Property

Whether your guests need lights leading them towards the emergency exit or they appreciate a lighted way to your entrance. Our experts can install LED light strips throughout your facility to make getting around easier than ever before.


Guide spectators to seating sections, restrooms and emergency evacuation routes.


Illuminate taxiways, runways and airport streets
Directional color-coded guidance for passengers

Trust Our Team for Help With LED Lights

City Safe LED is the team to trust when you need new LED light systems installed. We can offer suggestions for placement and get you the proper equipment. We have access to the industry’s best options and can install them anywhere you need.

Inductive Powered on Road LED Lighting